Course Expectations
Situation What are your procedures/expectations?
Student entering/leaving class
Teacher will greet the students at the door. Students are expected to enter the room quietly. Students are expected to practice social distance with peers. No horseplaying in the hallway and classroom. Students will enter the class with a mask covering both the mouth and nose area. Students will sanitize hands, collect folders, books, learning material, and proceed to their workstation. Bell ringer will be placed on the board, students will proceed with the bell ringer once seated. Students will begin cleaning up the workstation and placing materials back in their designated areas. Teacher will provide students with additional cleaning material to wipe down their workstation. Students will sanitize hands and wait for the teacher to dismiss the class. Teacher and students may engage in daily recap while waiting for dismissal. Students may talk quietly with peers during this time. Students are expected to push their chairs up and proceed toward the front exit to load their assigned bus. No horseplaying in the hallway. Virtual students are expected to login to class daily at the assigned class period. |
The day’s date – location Focus of the Daily, Daily Agenda |
Will be located on the front white board, top right corner of the board. Focus of the day and daily task will be located on the front white board. Students are expected to review the board once seated and begin with the bell ringer activity. Virtual students assignments and daily announcements will be posted in the google classroom. Students are encouraged to log in and review announcements and assignments daily. Students are expected to be on the class live session daily. |
Room set-up – How will you work the room? |
Only 2 to 4 chairs at each table, students will remain at their assigned location throughout the class period. Students are expected to practice social distance at their table by remaining in their assigned seat prior setup by the teacher. Virtual students are to be fully dressed, no hats, or head scarf. Students must be alert/attentive with their face showing on the camera. All students are expected to participate in class face-to-face or virtual. The pencil sharpener, textbooks, and student folders will be located on the book shelf in the front of the classroom near the door. Students are expected to bring their own writing material to class. Students will not be allowed to share personal items in the classroom. Teacher workstation will be near white board in the front of the classroom. Teacher mobile cart will be set up near the projector area. Teacher will walk around as needed during the class period. The computer lab is located within the room. Students are not allowed in the lab areas without getting permission from the teacher. Lab will only be open on certain days depending on the lesson and daily task. Students are expected to respect the classroom environment, no horseplaying of any kind, no misuse or damaging of school property. Students are expected to clean up and place items/material back in the proper place after each use. The teacher will monitor and scan the room at all times, remaining in close proximity to the students. |
Bell ringers and weekly assignments – What/Where/Graded/Timed |
Bell ringer will be placed in google classroom. Students will have 5 minutes to complete the bell ringer activity. Teacher and students will briefly review and discuss the bell ringer. Bell ringers are to be kept in the student's folder. All students are expected to participate with the bell ringer activity. Folders will be checked on Friday’s at the end of each week. Students will receive a grade weekly for bell ringer activities. Students are encouraged to review and study information throughout the year as it will relate to the National Certification Exam. Students will have assignments posted in google classroom. Teacher will inform students where to locate assignments. Students are expected to log into the sites daily to see posted material. Virtual students all weekly assignments must be completed and submitted by Friday of each week. |
Checking attendance |
While students are completing their bell ringer activity. Teacher will check and record the daily attendance of face-to face and virtual students. Teacher will then enter the daily attendance into Sam6i and GoogleDoc. Virtual students are expected to log into google meet live sessions at the beginning of the class period. |
Students who are tardy |
Students should have an admit slip from the secretary. |
Students receiving permission to speak/comment/ask questions/leave desk etc. |
Students are expected to raise their hands and wait for permission to speak. This is face-to face and virtual students. Virtual students can type questions into the class chat box. Students are expected to remain respectful at all times both in class and virtual. No inappropriate/profane language will be allowed in the classroom setting. |
Students needing materials- Pencil or pen/paper/textbooks etc. |
Students are encouraged to bring their own supplies and to come to class prepared daily. |
Students coming to attention – Signal/expectations |
Teacher will visually get students’ attention by standing in the front of the class. As students notice this they will place their attention on the teacher. When the entire class is in attention, the teacher will proceed. Teacher may raise hand to hold up 5 fingers to get students' attention. Teacher may often use the term stay on task to get students' attention. Teacher will use a timer to signal students with activities. |
Students needing to go to the restroom Signal/expectations |
Students will go to the restroom 1 at a time or as a class if needed.. Restroom time will be scheduled during each class period. No horseplaying or loud talking in the hallway |
Student needing to throw paper away |
Students are expected to keep trash neatly at their workstation. Students will have the opportunity to clean their area at once towards the end of the class period. |
Student needing to sharpen pencil |
Pencil sharpener is on the shelf in the front of the class near the door. Students are expected to use the pencil sharpener at the beginning of class, no walking back and forth in the classroom. Suggested having 1 pencil sharpened and 1 pen and ready. |
Student needing tissue |
Students should raise their hands and ask the teacher for tissue. |
End of class dismissal |
Students will remain at their workstation and wait to be dismissed by the teacher. Students are expected to exit the classroom quietly, no horseplaying, and load their assigned bus. Teacher will inform virtual students when to leave the session. |
Teacher pacing of instructional time |
Teacher will monitor the wall clock. After 5 minutes the teacher and students will start discussing the bell ringer. 10 minutes before class ends, students will clean up their workstation. |
Class movement Transition in class Going to assemblies |
Leave in an orderly fashion. Students will not leave the class until permission is given by the teacher. Students are expected to remain with their class and teacher at all times. |
Student work:
Name, date, and block in the top right corner. All papers should be placed in the tray on the teacher’s desk. Students are expected to look in the tray on the book shelf near the door for missed assignments upon returning from being absent. Pens (black or blue only) or pencils (#2 lead). Notes may be taken on the back of paper. Paper to be turned in should be written on the front side only. Writing must be neat and legible. No late papers will be accepted unless with a valid excuse. Notebooks will be reviewed and graded at the end of each week on Friday’s. Students will have the opportunity to work on missed assignments and review skills based on individual needs on Friday’s. Friday will be independent study day, one-on-one, review skills day. Students are expected to use their time wisely. |
When snacks are allowed, students will have only 10 minutes in the beginning of class for snack time. Students will not be allowed to share snacks.Teacher may revoke snacks at any time. Students are expected to clean up their area. Students may bring a clear bottle for drinking water. Water bottles may be filled at a scheduled time. Students will go 1 by 1 to fill their water bottle. *Gum or gum chewing is not permitted in class.* |
Student expectations – emergency
Student expectation for
Remain quiet and do not address any visitor unless given permission by the teacher. Students are expected to be respectful of their peers, teacher, and the classroom environment at all times. Students are expected to be attentive to guest the speaker in person and virtually. Students are expected to ask general respectful questions of the guest speaker as it relates to the topic or law and public safety field. |
Student needing to go to
Teacher may provide the student with a slip to go to the following areas. Students must have the slip signed by the staff member they visited upon returning to class. |
Collection and distribution of student work |
Student work may be placed in their assigned seating location. Students may submit assignments through google classroom and the class folder. Teacher may post assignments in google classroom. Teacher will inform students where to go to locate material in a timely manner. |
Ask-Pause-Call |
Give students adequate time to respond. |
Volunteers to answer |
Teacher will randomly select students to respond to questions. Students may raise their hands to respond. Students are expected to be respectful of other thoughts and opinions. |
Choral Response |
Use quiet voices to respond. |
Signal Response |
Teacher will randomly call on students, students may have numbers/letters to respond to. Students are expected to be prepared to respond at any given time. |
White Board Response |
All students are expected to be prepared to respond at any given time. |
Substitute expectations – teacher/students |
Substitute will follow the work left by the teacher. Students will be graded on work. If not done, students will be given a zero. If behavior is a problem, substitute will leave a list of names and the incidents will be handled accordingly. Students are expected to be respectful and follow the same daily routines. |
Random questioning of class |
All students are expected to be prepared to respond at any given time. |
Think-Pair-Spare |
Pair students to work on projects. Pair those who have similar interests and work habits if possible. Also pair low performing students with high performing students. |
Group work expectations |
Everyone in the group works. Each group chooses a leader, a spokesperson, and recorder. Grades will be given based on job responsibilities completed. Students are expected to stay on task and to use the group time wisely. Teacher will monitor the groups and redirect students as needed. |
How will student assignments be posted? |
Verbally and on white board Google Classroom. Face to face and virtually. |
Breaking of rules:
How will you track this information? |
1st- Warning issued to the student 2nd- Notify parents. 3rd- Counselor referral. 4th- Taking away of privileges 5th- Sent to Director A behavior log will be created for each student. Contacts and referral will be recorded on the log. |
Students exchanging/grading papers |
Student’s will be given the opportunity to grade other student’s papers but will have to place their name on the bottom of the paper. |
Progress reports |
Progress reports will be given out during a chosen class period. Grades for progress reports will be put in the system in a timely manner. |
Positive incentives for students:
A student will be selected each month as Safety Officer of the Month based on behavior and classroom achievement. Students will receive a certificate recognizing them as Safety Officer of the month. Student picture will be posted outside the classroom and in the front lobby. |
Communications with parents:
Parents will receive a welcome letter from the teacher within the first two weeks of school. Class syllabus will include the classroom expectations, supplies for the class, requirements for the program, and class fees. Students and parents will sign the syllabus indicating they have read the information. Teacher will post announcements in the google classroom. Teacher will communicate through google classroom. Parents will be contacted through school status. Log will be kept of all contacts with parents. Monthly newsletters will be posted in google classroom. |
Office Hours |
Teacher will schedule office hours weekly and post the time in google classroom. Students are encouraged to login for office. Teacher will meet with students one-on-one in class to check progress, and to answer questions or concerns, to let the student know where they are in the program. |
Grade book maintenance:
30% of the grade is from testout labs, daily grades, class participation, and quizzes. 70% is from field experience, projects, tests. Extra credit opportunities will be given throughout the school year. Grades are recorded weekly. |
Posting of student work |
Students’ work will be displayed within the classroom. |
Student working on other assignments |
If students are caught working on assignments from other classes, the teacher will ask the student to put the assignment away and to participate in class. If there is time left over from the class the teacher may allow the student to work on the other assignment. |
Student writing/passing notes |
Students are expected to be engaged and not to distract other students or the instructional time of the class. Parent contact will be made when a student continues to be disruptive in class. |
Rules and Procedures for Testing. |
Students will be placed in assigned seating. If open note tests are given, the student may only use his/her notes. Hand test directly to the teacher when finished. Sit quietly until everyone is done with the test. Students may put his/her head down while waiting for others to finish. Students are expected to carefully review the material before turning in the test. |
Positive Learning Environment |
Students are expected to be respectful of diversity. Students are encouraged to come to class to voice their opinion as it relates to different topics in a manner that is respectful towards all. Virtual learners are expected to follow the same guidelines as face to face students. No outside conversations in the chat box, only responding to peers as needed such as in discussion posts. All students are expected to sit up, no hoods, no sleeping, no cell phone usage in the classroom. Students may come to the teacher with questions |